The Features
Pure Sweetness
The egg cream is alive and well in New York—and a lone Montreal lunch counter.

The Gallery
A New Vantage Point
Berenice Abbott at the Ryerson Image Centre.

The Comix

The Poems
Under a Billboard at Bathurst and Eglinton

The Poems
Hello, I’m a Poem About Johnny Cash

The Fiction
Progress on a Genetic Level

The Poems
By the Lachine Canal I Sat Down And . . .

The Fiction
Concrete Swans
An excerpt.

The Comix
Future Flâner?

The Poems
Ikea Bed

The Fiction
The Great and Powerful

The Profiles
Going With the Flow
The eclectic music of Petunia.

The Poems
Ontarioabandoned places.com

The Ephemera
The Black and White Issue
Taddle Creek looks at diversity (or lack thereof) in its pages.

The Fiction