Lake Where No One Swims
By Chris Chambers
The Poems

Greatest Hits of Drinking Water
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God Save the Greatest Underwater Swimmers
By Chris Chambers
The Poems

By Chris Chambers
The Poems

The Days Dogs Die
By Paul Vermeersch
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Rural Elementary
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The Skaggs Boys
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The Perfect Guy for L
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Melanie Panhandling
By Paul Vermeersch
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Megan on Fernwood Avenue
By Paul Vermeersch
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Alone in the Bathroom He Removed His Shirt
By Paul Vermeersch
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Idea for a Film
By Paul Vermeersch
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What You Wish Wasn’t True
By Paul Vermeersch
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By Paul Vermeersch
The Poems

Birth of a Fat Kid
By Paul Vermeersch
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House Contents and the Big Wild World
By Camilla Gibb
The Fiction

The Summer My Feces Floated Out to Sea
By Camilla Gibb
The Fiction
Produced by Dave MacKinnon. Mastered by Tim Branton, at the Magic Porch. Executive production by Conan Tobias. Recorded live at the Victory Café, in Toronto’s Mirvish Viillage, August 10, 2000. Sleeve by Conan Tobias. Cover star: unknown, 1956. This compact disc was included free with the Christmas, 2000, issue of Taddle Creek. © 2000 by Vitalis Publishing, P.O. Box 611, Stn. P, Toronto, Ont. M5S 2Y4. All rights reserved. Made in Canada. VITCD 1001.
Hidden Track Instructions
- Place your Taddle Creek CD in your CD player and press the Play button. (The hidden track will not work on computer CD players.)
- Once the CD begins, hold down the second-by-second Rewind button (not to be confused with the track-by-track Rewind button). The counter on your CD player should start to move into negative numbers.
- Release the Rewind button at -4:42. If you go further, the counter will loop back to zero and you’ll have to start over.
- Upon release, the hidden track will play. When the counter reaches zero, the CD will continue at track 1.
Your hidden track is titled “No One Fucks with Goon Ramerez,” a recording by Fembots, featuring Ron Hawkins on vocals. The song was written by Brian Poirier, Dave MacKinnon, and Ron Hawkins, and is taken from the independent Fembots release Mucho Cuidado. The song was produced by Fembots and mastered by Tim Branton at the Magic Porch. It is © 1999 by Fembots/Socan. Enjoy.