Photo by Sarah Gilbert
Winter, 2017–2018

Man About Town

Michel Rabagliati’s Paul takes a walk through Montreal’s history.
Photo of an egg cream at Hamilton's Luncheonette by Stephanie Noritz
Summer, 2015

Pure Sweetness

The egg cream is alive and well in New York—and a lone Montreal lunch counter.
Photo by City of Toronto Archives
Winter, 2014–2015

Growing Up In Toronto

Twenty-five arts-related citizens reflect on how the city shaped and inspired them in their youth.
Photograph by Tom Hicken
Summer, 2013

B-roll Burden

Who should be responsible for our celluloid civic history?
Photograph by Conan Tobias
Summer, 2012

Totem Poll

Design is still a T.T.C. keystone.
Photograph by Colin Rose
Summer, 2012

A Destination Apart

Unlike its Toronto counterpart, Montreal’s art deco masterpiece still needs a saviour.