The Tibetan widow
Crushes bones and feeds them to vultures
In order to bring peace to the dead
The weeping Buddha dries my tears
I run barefoot through the apple orchards
A wild dog follows me
The Ceremony of Empowerment
Sways in the predator’s favour
The young girl quivers within
Two white rings hover round a black goat’s eyes
It stands on its hind legs waiting
For the woman who feeds it
To feed it
The pony is smaller than the goat
And hands me its hoof like a paw
A Chinese scholar
Loses his way in the mountains
Imagines dinosaurs in the swaying river
Then drowns
The weeping Buddha is full of my sorrows
The belly of a young girl is slit
Her insides offered to the moon
The moon turns the other cheek
It’s tired of sacrifice
Ma Jian drinks beer in a London pub
He can never go home
The weeping Buddha stops weeping
Everything’s fed up with sacrifice

Reading Ma Jian on the Farm
Read by Paul Vermeersch